In the early 1920s, Nikolai Demidov invented his études, designed to develop and preserve the indispensable skill of truly hearing and seeing onstage. From that moment the art of acting received its DAILY SCALES. Our DEMIDOV ETUDES course is dedicated to them. Read more ...

In rehearsal, in performance and in front of the camera, we are subjected to the laws of organic repetition. This integral part of our actor’s process deserves special training, and a course dedicated to it.

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The time has come to learn how to deal with “given circumstances.” In this course, actors will train to evoke the energetic power of circumstances in the space. 

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First among acting teachers, Demidov approached both character and circumstances as energies. Train how to accumulate and facilitate character, and how to treat the delicate embryo of the role. 

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Some media, such as film, asks for strict continuity of business and action, from take to take. Learn to merry film’s demand for continuity, directorial specificity or framing with Demidov’s “culture of creative freedom.”

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This course is unique in that it trains actors to work with precise and tangible circumstances, as suggested by a play or a script. Participants take new steps toward mastering the art of creative transformation, as they approach character from contemporary realist plays.


During this course, actors will work on an Anton Chekhov play, exploring Demidov’s organic approach to creating a role. Skills acquired in previous courses will come into focus, as participants learn to treat a play as an integral whole.